Fox Feels Fifth Wheel at Mexican Summit

"Hey guy's, wait up"
The Harpoville Post reports that favoritism may be afoot south of the border down Mexico way. While this Mexican summit was a chance for these three leaders to get together it seems that G.W. Bush and Steven Harpo are doing some leading off on their own. And it's Vincente Fox who feels he's slowly getting cut from the loop.
The Harpovill Post has learned that G.W. Bush and Harpo have been spotted slipping away together every chance they get and leaving Fox sitting in a hole, alone. Long walks to secluded beaches to collect shells, candle lit dinners and late night dips in the pool have some tongues tattling and the forlorn Fox feeling forgotton.
The Harpoville Post spoke to Jose, the pool boy, at the exclusive Mexican resort the leaders are staying in, and he told us, "I knew something was up, they're like two horny old dogs the way they're always rubbing up against each other." then added, "Late one night I heard a commotion down at the pool and I looked over to see, that Canadian guy, Harpo standing up on the diving board, really drunk and naked. It was the sickest sight I've ever seen. Bush was in the pool calling out to him, 'jump fat boy jump, who's your daddy now'. With Harpo up there squealing like a little girl saying 'watch me jump daddy, watch me jump'. All that pink, pasty fat hanging off him, that guys needs a trip to the gym. And his man-boobs are down to his waist." he then added, "There's not enough Tequila to take that picture from my mind."
The Harpoville Post reports that these allegations of Harpo's spring break style Mexican romp are just that and all Harpo is doing is letting off some steam to prepair for next weeks opening of Parliament.
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