Tom DeLay "It's Hammered Time"

"The Hammer has fallen, well
he sure took his sweet ass time."
The Harpoville Post reports the Republician Congressman from Texas has decided to stand down from running in this years congressional race.
The Harpoville Post had reported that Tom Delay had stepped down as House majority leader last year with allegations of illegally using funds. Tom swore he would return once he had cleared his name but, now with the conviction of Jack Abramoff and a confession from Tom's aid, Tony Rudy, of illegal dealings with Mr. Abramoff through Tom Delay's office, the writting is on the wall.
The Harpooville Post has learned that Delay, 59, was know in Washington as 'The Hammer' for the way he relentlessly attacked the Democrats during the Clinton years and who was one on the chief Republician leaders to call for Clinton to be impeached.
The Harpoville Post spoke to Tom Delay as he left the house shortly after his announcement, and he said, "I'm not about to let this fine congressional election turn into a mud slinging match by those nasty, corrupt, low-life, Satan worshipping, whoring, thieving, back-stabbing, yellow bellied, smelly, conniving, degenerate, despicable Democratics do you."
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