Dentistry 9000 years of mind numbing pain

"The worlds second oldest profession"
The Harpoville Post
Science Report
The Harpoville Post reports of a new discovery in the world of dentistry and the discovery is, it's really old. Scientists now believe that dentists just didn't pop out of thin air, they've been here all along.
The Harpoville Post has learned of new evidence that reveals that dentists have been on the planet Earth for some 9,000 years. Scientists have discovered proof that between 5 and 7,000 years ago early dentists were doing unnessary fillings and over billings.
The Harpoville Post spoke to scientist Aron Snedly who told us, "It seems that early dentists were using fint drill bits to drill unnecessary holes in peoples teeth," he added, "Plus with this discovery we now believe that dentistry is the second oldest profession." The oldest know profession is prostitution, could early dentists have worked side by side with early prostitutes?
The Harpoville Post asked Mr. Snedly, is there a chance that prostitution and dentistry were born at the same time and he said. "I think it's a little early to come to that conclusion but, a finding like that would certainly answer the question why we're always getting fucked at the dentist."
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