Sesame Street's "Womb TV"

"We're after the pre-kid market"
The Harpoville Post has learned that the creators of Sesame Street want to market children before they're children. A new series of Sesame Street DVD's are about the be released for the fetus in your family.
The Harpoville Post spoke to Sesame Street marketing director Tony Telone about this new innovative product, and he said, "The idea was mine, and may I say a brilliant one at that. I thought, we got em, there's no kid in the world who doesn't know Big Bird, Oscar The Crouch, Elmo, I mean Elmo he's so cute. I mean these characters are as recognizable as the President of this here United States, for Christ's sake. So, I said, who is left. I mean, who is left, and it came to me the embryos that's it, that's our market the embryos. And, the rest is history."
The Harpoville Post has learned that Sesame Street, through work with Sony, is designing 'Womb TV', television that the embryo can watch from the womb. The pregnant mother just needs to be with in 12 feet of the TV signal to pickup perfect reception for her unborn fetus. Tony Telone added, "You know, most parents agree it's a very, very competitive baby world out there and if they had the choice to give their baby a little something extra I think, no, I know they'd do it. I mean what parent wouldn't want their kid counting to ten the day they were born, right..... right."
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