South Park Wins a Peabody

"A Pee what?"
The Harpoville Post has learned that the illustrious Peabody award has been presented to the South Park TV show for being the most politically incorrect satirical series on television. The Harpoville Post spoke to some of the cast of the show about their prestigious win.
H. P.: "So, how do you feel about winning the Peabody?"
Eric: "We won a what?"
H.P.: "You've won a Peabody."
Cartman: "I think Kyle pee'd himself."
Kyle: "Shut the fuck up fat-ass."
Cartman: "Kyle pee'd himself, Kyle pee'd himself."
Eric: "Will you guy's shut up, I'm trying to find out what we won."
Kenny: "*******"
Eric: "What the fuck is a Peabody?"
Cartman: "Well, that's when you have a little Jew body like Kyle's...."
Kyle: "I'm warning you Cartman."
Cartman: "And you..."
Kyle: "Cartman...."
Cartman: "And you pee all over it."
Kyle: "You're an asshole Cartman."
Cartman: "At least I don't smell like pee."
Keny: "********."
Eric: "Kenny's right, where's this Peabody thing?"
H.P.: "It's more like an honorarium."
Kyle: "An honor-who-eum?"
Cartman: "You should know Kyle, it sounds Jewish."
Kyle: "That's it Cartman, I'm going to kick your fatass."
Cartman: "Just don't pee on me."
Eric: "Cut it out you guys. So, what do we do with this honor-what-cha-call-it."
H.P.: "Well, you bask in the glory that you've won it."
Kenny: "*******."
Eric: "I'm with Kenny, that sucks."
Kyle: "Let's ask Chief what he thinks we should do with it."
Eric: "That's a good idea. Hey, Chief, what should we do with the Peabody?"
Chief: "............"
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