More and More kids in Daycare

"The Harper Governments 'two coffees and a donut' solution isn't going to cut it"
The Harpoville Post
Editoral Report
The Harpoville Post reports that with the realization of more and more kids in day care centers an extra $5.00 per day isn't going to do much to help the parents or the problem. It seems the Harper Consevatives pipe dream of getting off light by handing, $1,200 per year, that's $100. per month, that's $5.00 per day (and that's before taxes), to every child below six isn't going to relieve the day care delema.
"Harper's 'Two coffees and a donut' solution"
The Harpoville Post believes that because either both parents work or that, with the 50% divorice rate of one parent familes, parents need help not pocket change. If the average baby sitter charges at least $5.00, you've bought yourself an hour. What to do in that hour? If you work till 5pm and drive an hour to work and your child arrives at the babysitters at 3:30, you've got two and a half hours to pick up your kid. But, relax, Harper's Government just picked up $5.00 from your $12.00 a day daycare tab. But, we all know $5.00 per hour isn't buying you a Mary Poppins.
The Harpoville Post believes that what is needed is daycare centers with trained daycare providers, not two coffees and a donut, which is all that the Harper Government has to offer.
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