Heller says "Show me the Money"

"we've only just begun"
The Harpoviller Post reports that Brig.-Gen. Rick Heller came calling on the Commons for more capital for Canada's war effort. The Brig.-Gen. was in Harpoville moseying up to the bar for more and more now the Harpo and the neoconservatives have decided war is the business to be in.
"It has such good growth potential"
The Harpoville Post spoke to Brig.-Gen. Heller and he told us, "We have to stay the course, we're in for the long haul but, war isn't cheap we need lots of stuff and that stuff costs money which we're in short supply of till you show me the money." We asked him why we're in Afghanistan, and he said, "We're in Afghanistan for good Canadian reasons, in support of our interests, to protect our values and simply its right." We asked what Canadian values, rights and interests are being attacked in Afghanistan, and he said, "No comment, 9/11, terrorist......... next question."
"But, who will man and woman our new war?"
The Harpoville Post has learned of Brig.-Gen. Heller's desire for more troops now the Canadian casualties have risen to 12 and the Taliban's desire to add to that number, to this he added, "I know we can challange Canadians to learn to love war like we do and once they do they'll start coming to us in droves, you just watch. But, till they do we'll be out in the malls, video arcades, ballparks, high schools, did I say malls already, searching for a few good men and women that will man and woman our new war effort."
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