Fishy Abuction out on Vancouver Coast

The Harpoville Post
Business Editorial
"I have money"
The Harpoville Post reports on a suspious abduction of near alien making, out on the Canadian coast. When this Harpoville Post reporter lived in Vancouver the joke was that The Burrard Street bridge separated the fruits from the nuts but, there is something nutty going on in one of Vancouvers more affluent neighbourhoods.
The Harpoville Post learned as the 23 year old son, of a fairly successful but, heavily indebted Vancouver businessman, was driving just a few short blocks from his parents estate, he was pulled over and ripped from his car at gunpoint. The young man's girlfriend, who was also in the car, discribed the kidnappers as "asian". Vancouver police advised the businessman to withhold going to the press and releasing his sons picture, but, the father ignored their advice and went straight to the media with two desperate video pleas.
The Harpoville Post reports the businessman pleas of, "I have money", seems to sound like he may know who has his son and why he is being held. Kidnappers rarely abduct someone at gunpoint in broad daylight in a affluant area of a pictureist North American City, such as Vancouver and not make their demands known. Vancouver has been the land of milk and honey for many years but, morals, or lack of have kept the mogals mincing. In this case it seems two scenarious play out, one, the mans son masterminded the whole thing and that's the reason for the delay. Or, two, the businessman's debts are closing in around him and he should stop pleading ignorance and pay the bill to get his son back.
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