Afghani Polls are in and they've changed

"Canadians climb comfortable back on the fence."
The Harpoville Post reports that a new poll, just released, have Canadians flipping around like a sturgeon in a Cod boat and feeling we've been caught in the net. A poll taken when 2,200 troops were deployed to Afghanistan had 75% of Canadians against the Conservative Governments measures. Another poll taken in mid-March had 75% of Canadians gung-ho for troops in the war ravaged country, now recent polls have Canadians climbing comfortably back up on the fence and are split down the middle basking in the springtime sun.
"It is clear Canadians have no idea what they want."
The Harpoville Post spoke to Lack-of-Defense Minister Gordon O'Connor, no relation to Donald, who told us, "We're right on course, we're getting things done, 9/11, terrorists. It's our duty to protect all Canadians killed in 9/11 with a show of force, 9/11, terrorists, 9/11." he then added, "we've set a path, can't back down now, can't back down now. What was that?....... 9/11, terrorists, 9/11."
The Harpoville Post has learned that questions have arose on who is really in charge on this supposedly Canadian mission in Afghanistan. Canadian Brig.-Gen. David Fraser, commander of the operation, said this is a Canadian led mission to take over for the Americans who have moved on to greener pastures in Iraq. But, the question being raised, and not answered, is why Brig.-Gen David Fraser is now wearing an American patch on his sleeve for the 10th. Mountain Division U.S. Army.
A Conservative Government spokesperson told The Harpoville Post, "Well we've debated long and hard on whether a debate was necessary and the results are apparent that more debate is needed. Prime Minister Harpo has changed his previous stand against a debate and is now in the stage of holding a debate but, the debate is just a debate and no action will come the conclusion of this debate. We just wish to show Canadians our commitment to debate."
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