P.S. Before you go to Afcanistan

Harpo "Look at death as a solution"
The Harpoville Post reports that today Prime Minister Harpo visited 50 new graduates to Canadas new fighting forces. Harpo visited the troops in his home state of Alberta before they are to be shipped off to fight in Canada's new war in Afghanistan.
The Harpoville Post reports that Harpo gave the new troops a rousing speech that went like this "Do not think you will be dieing for your country, though there is a very good chance some of you will. Think of it as you will be living on the edge for your country, with three square meals in your belly, a new uniform, and a new gun, bought with money we confiscated from daycare and environmantal programs we have scrapped for just this reason. You'll soon be traveling to a crazy part of this planet, where people who live there will think your stupid to be here because here is the last place in the world these people want to be. There, you'll be fighting for Canada's values and interests as we will soon open Canadian Tire, Tim Horton and some Bay stores stores all across Afghanistan." Harpo was then reminded, by his aid. that The Bay stores are now owned by Americans, he then added, "Well maybe not Bay Stores but soon Canada's interests will be felt far and wide all across the great land of Afcanistan."
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