Coolies make Canadian Comeback

"Just look what they did for the railroad"
The Harpoville Post reports that an Alberta company called Canadian Natural Resources is planning to import 500 Chinese workers to work in its Alberta's oil sands project.
"Some of these people work for rice"
The Haproville Post reports that this old idea of importing cheap Chinese labour, or 'coolies', is new again and making a comeback here in Canada. With the Harpo Governments wish to add thousands to the military rolls and Canada's new war in Afcanistan, the Canadian military announced they're looking into importing immigrants with promises of land and citizenship if they sign up. As one representive of the oil company told The Harpoville Post, "Just look what they did for the railroad", his reference back to the 1880's when Canada recruited 15,000 Chinese workers, at slave wages, to build Canada's railway through the dangerous Canadian Rocky Mountains, has some people scratching their heads in dewilderment.
The Harpoville Post has learned that the companies pleas for cheap Canadian labour in the multi billion dollar oil sands project has fallen on deaf ears, as the company representive said, "We've gone to 12 cities across Canada and we can't people off their asses to come work in the harsh northern Alberta climate where winter temperatures drop below -50 and summer temperatures climb above 40 degrees Celsius, not to mention horseflies the size of sparrows. We just can't get these kids out of their parents basements and away from that goddame x-box, for Christ-sates." he then added, "If the military can get away with it, why can't we?"
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