Charles McVety a Christian Pitbull

The Harpoville Post
Mid-week Editoral
"Sit back Stephen I'll take over now"
The Harpoville Post reports that Charles McVety is the new sheriff in town who's here to protect Stephen Harper and his Conservatives for God's work.
Charles McVety president of the Canadian Christian College, is founding member of Canada Family Action Coalition, is host of a nationally sin-dicated TV program called, is number one critic of Canada's Same Sex Bill and a pro-christian political activist. Mr. McVety is a very powerful and wealthy extreme right-wing Christian who has decided to use American smear politics to promote his own agenda.
"Came out charging like a Pitbull in the park"
The Harpoville Post has learned that Charles McVety is using his wealth and power, at first, to help get Stephen Harper elected and now to use smear to stop anyone from changing the very scary course that Harper and McVety have set Canada on.
Charles McVety is using his powerful religious lobby of the CFAC, The Instute of Canadian Values and The Real Women of Canada Action group to attack the Ontario Coalition for Better Child Care, a non profit group made up of child care workers and parents, because they spoke out against the Conservatives scrapping the Liberal's 5 Billion dollar plan for their $5.00 a day daycare plan. McVety says the Ontario Coalition gets their funding for Liberals and unions, (since when was it evil to belong to a union) and he says he has ways of proving it. Mr. McVety hides behind the church so he doesn't have to disclose where he gets all his money from.
The Harpoville Post reports that Harper came out daring anyone to speak out against his $5.00 a day Daycare Plan now then, when someone does, he's decides he means business by bring his fundamental Christan supporters to the table to protect him in his hour of need.
The Harpoville Post would like to say that, not so long ago, this type of actions would get laughed off in Canada but, that was then and this is now.
It's time for true Canadians to speak out before right-wing fundamentalists like McVety run this country like they do to the one below the 49th.
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