Government Gags General over Grumblings

Harpo "Hey Hiller, shut the fuck up"
The Harpoville Post has learned that for the first time in Canadian history the Government has delivered a gag order to a Gerneral in the Canadian Armed Forces. Brig.-Gen. Rick Hiller was been told to pre-clear any media comments with Prime Minister Harpo's Office or risk, or risk, or risk what?.
The Harpoville Post has learned that tensions run high between Brig.-Gen. Hiller and Lack-of-Defence Minister Gordon O'Connor, no relation to Donald. The two, it seems, don't see eye to eye on a lot of things including the war in Afcanistan and building military bases in the north to impead the Russians from attacking Canada. The high strung, former arms lobbyist, Gordon O'Connor who lives in a Reagan-est communist fearing world were the military is all you've got and the best thing a country can spend all your money on This seems to have the real General's in the Canadian Military, who have to work under him, very concerned.
The Harpoville Post reports that the Department of Lack-of-Defense released one comment on the matter but, only after it was cleared by the Prime Ministers Office, that read, "There's a lot of information we're providing a lot further in advance, or trying to."
The Harpoville Post had this message de-coded and this is what it says, "Hey Hiller you better shut the fuck up. You ever heard of 'friendly fire', well we're pretty good at it so you better watch it, you hear me."
With the Conservative Government's budget only weeks away one wonders whether Military spending is now being tabled and that those in the know don't like what they see.
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