Good Reason to be a Slacker

"A dame good reason to do sweet fuck all"
The Harpoville Post reports that just as the ink has dried on the tax forms and they've been dropped in the mail for another year a new study shows just how badly we get hosed. It seems the old addage is true, 'the only two things in life you can count on are death and taxes', and with some new news on Canadian taxes, it seems, most of us will suffer a very painful death.
"More to the government than anything else"
The Harpoville Post has learned that Canadians give more to the Government in taxes than they spend on food, clothing and shelter. It is now reported that since 1961, 44 years ago, taxes paid to the Government, by Canadians, have gone up 1000 percent.
"Do you see a difference, I don't see a difference"
The Harpoville Post reports just as Harpo and his new Government are about to release his 'new' budget that is expected to reveal a 1% reduction on Canada's 1990 Conservative introduced value added 7% GST, Harpo has hinted to the provinces that they should raise their provincal sales tax to cash in on his generosity. Thank Christ most of the provinces have said no and Harpo is now seen standing out with is Johnson in plain view. The news of Harpo's true desire to not give Canadians a tax break comes just as Canadians now learn that the 30% of familes earn 60% of the wages and pay 66% percent of the tax.
"Canadian over achievers learn a bitter lesson"
The Harpoville Post has learned that a 'go-getter', back in 1961, would earn a pretty handsome salary of $2,750 a year and pay $960. or 34% of his earnings on taxes. The same over achiever in 2005 would earn $122,657 a year and pay $62,278 in taxes which amounts to 50.8% of his income on taxes. This new news leaves most Canadians eyeing the grave as blessed relief from lifes other guarantee.
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