Harper Hangs O'Connor with the Flag
"I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, "
The Harpoville Post reports that Harpo is ducking bullets shot from the guns of angry opposition about the governments refusal to accept death as a part of life during war time. Prime Minister Harpo has hung his Lack-of- Defense Minister Gordon O'Connor, no relation to Donald, out to dry as the P.M. ducks, covers and runs-like-hell over flag-gate.
The Harpoville Post has learned that opposition to the Conservative Governments decision to take an American style see-no-evil view to flag drapped coffins arriving from Afcanistan and flags flown at half-mast on Parliament Hill is causing Harpo to show is real battle stradgy which is to run. Harpo turned in the real culprit behind flag-gate Gordon O'Connor as a crazy old kook who's Walt Brennan imitations leave most of them in stitches but, uncomfortable with his decisions.
Harpo said this to The Harpoville Post, "We like old Gord'o up on the Hill but, he is acting a little full of himself these days. all this stuff about respecting the families has got us all little concerned. I think maybe the pressure is a little too much for him, I think we'll just wheel him over by the window so he can still see the ducks, he seems to like that. We'll just give him a little Golden Gord'o Time and he'll come around, you just watch."
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