Liberal's Accused of Caring Too Much

"Auditor General slams last years Liberal's for having way too much Environmental concerns"
The Harpoville Post reports that Canada's Auditor General is set to level harsh criticisum towards last years Liberal Environment Minister, Stephane Dion, for having too much concern for Canada and the Earths environment and not enough concern for war. Back in a time of Liberal control when Government coffers were spilling over with abundanse the Liberal's who were finaly giving back now stand in scorn. With the Harpo Government about to cut Canada's ties and commitments to Kyoto the timing of the report couldn't be sweeter and smell of political cleansing be any greater.
The Harpoville Post has learned that the $1.5 Million the Liberals had commited to Kyoto will be scrapped soon for the, yet revealed, "Made in Canada" plan the Conservative Minister of Environmental Disasters Rona Ambrose is polling Canada for. With no coffers left in the Conservative environmental kitty, since the spring Conservative budget stripped that ministery of 8 Million dollars a lame ass, though highly glossy environmental brochure is expected in mail boxes by Christmas.
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