Poor Kramer!... I Mean Richards, I Mean Kramer .....

"Karmer, I mean Richards only problem is he was too slow out of the gate."
Entertainment Exclusive
The Harpoville Post reports that, like in life, the good stories die young and the bad ones live on forever. Last weeks on stage, then film, then You Tube 'melt down' of actor/comedian Michael Richards at a L. A. Comedy club is starting to look like the only successful reincarnation of Mike's career in the ten years since he left Seinfeld or Seinfeld left him. Though Mike's racial 'peppered' remarks are doing more to boost his ratings in the KKK than back on TV. The actors 'meltdown' after being heckled while on stage have all the makings of a 'old fashion lynching' and it's too bad Kramer, I mean Richards, or his handlers, as if anyone would touch him now, didn't see that at the time.
The Harpoville Post sees Kramer, I mean Richards, as the victim here. A lone, thin, scared white man verbally attacked by two 'big black men' while trying desperately to be loved and accepted and rebuild his shattered career, up there, alone on the stage. He had no way to protect himself from the double barreled race filled hate that was fired at him from the audience so he reached for the only weapon he had at his disposal; words. Now if Kramer, I mean Richards took a page out of the book of history, comedic history that is, he'd have quoted some Lenny Bruce ("I got two nigger's, two nigger's and a spic. Two niggers, a spic and a dago. Who'll give me a dike for two niggers a spic and a dago.) convince his accusers that they are only words and we're the ones who put the value on those words, not the words themselves. Then after coming up with that defense he turns the table and take his turn as the victim (cause right now, it's a victims world. The victim card is much stronger than the race card) he'd most likely be booked back at that comedy club and a million more across the country. (Plus, he'd have a great routine) Why? Cause controversy sells baby and puts the punters in the seats. And right now Kramer, I mean Richards is a hot bed of controversy. Unfortunately, since the big screen release of 'Birth of a Nation' it's the one hot ticket Hollywood hasn't quite figured out how to sell.
The Harpoville Post reports that Lenny Bruce could have pulled himself out of this hole pretty quick but Kramer, I mean Richards I'm afraid he's made his last exit and be advised that anyone holding stock at the Seinfeld channel best sell now. Word has it that Richards has hired a 'big-time' public relations man to fix his image problem by hiring Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton to hang out with this cracker. Soon Kramer, I mean Richards, will be seen at Mickeyd's take out window driving a pimped out Escalade and shompin' on a Big Mac saying; "I'm lovin' it"
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