Rebuilding Afghanistan One Ferrari at a Time

"At $150,000 a bomb it would be cheaper to throw Ferrari's into the Afghani desert."
The Harpoville Post reports the rebuilding of Afghanistan by the Canadian led troops is non existent with news more money is going into American manufactured 'smart bombs' than into supplying water and electricity to the southern Afghani region. Though Lack of Defense Minister Gordon O'Connor, no relation to Donald, is steadfast on his delusionary claims of only spending 4 Billion on Canada's 'Peace seeking War' by 2009 someone better slip O'Connor a calculator and quick.
The Harpoville Post has learned that the Canadian Military is planning to buy American made Excaliber bombs and at a cost of $150,000 per smart bomb and one wonders how smart that really is. To prove their case the Conservative Government dusted off old retired Major McKenzie and wheeled him in front of the cameras to underline their need to buy bigger, better, more expensive bombs. Major McKenzie said; "Just imagine if Canadian troops could find a group of Talibaner's who were about to attack our Canadian troops and we could blow them up real good with one of those at whatever the cost." When reporters asked Major Mackenzie if he didn't think $150,000 per bomb wasn't a little expensive he said; "Your shittin' me right? Who in their right mind would spend $150 grand on a bomb. Why not throw a Fucking Ferrari at them or maybe a fist full of Kia's. That's stupid. Can you guys point me towards the bar?"
The Harpoville Post reports that news of Canada's ever shrinking military isn't just credited to retirement and work related injuries, on or off the battlefield, but to a mass exodus to the sweet life of mercenary employment. Highly trained members of the Canadian Joint Task Force 2 are quitting the JTF2 and signing on for mercenary employment with the American's in Iraq for $1,000 per day only about 2000% more than they made in the Canadian military to do the same job. As the Conservative Government scrambles to fill the shrinking ranks of the military with expensive TV commercials aimed at those teenaged 'gamers' lurking in your basement they're not having much luck. After eliminating reading and writing at a grade 6 level as a requirement and allowing most applicants at least 6 tries at passing a drug test they're only averaging about 2 out of ever 10 that apply. One wonders when the Canadian military will take a page from the Taliban recruiting handbook, who are having no problem refilling their ranks.
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