Rae Calls For Harper's Head

"The quicker we get rid of this guy the quicker we can relax."
The Harpoville Post reports that the Liberals 'top-gun' suitor fired off his #1 most secret desire before kicking off this week Liberal leadership grand finally. It seems at the top of Bob Rae's top-ten list sits Prime Minister Harpo's head. Bob's double barreled assault couldn't have been better planned as the Tory's wrap up their 'do you love me' bait and switch election hedging promises with cash and deep-seated Nationality to Cancer, Net Debt and Quebec.
The Harpoville Post has learned that the promises seeping from beneath the iron clad gates of Harpo's lair were well played out starting with Canada's Minister of Lack-O-Finance Jim Flaherty Monday Morning promise to clean up the "Net Debt" in no time at all. But by mid-week when questioned by a real financier Flaherty admitted the "Net Debt" won't do a god-dame thing to pay down the National Debt of $480 Billion. His only response was; "We'll leave that for someone else" The next two Harpo announcements were both give-a-ways of a different sort. Harpo's desire to drop 250 Million in the middle of Canada for Cancer and stand back and watch the 10 provinces and two territories with 30 Million Cancer capable contestants scrap it out between themselves. But when divided by 30 Million it's not hard to see $8.25 each isn't going to go far and buy much but a few votes at election time, which is expected next year.
The Harpoville Post reports that though not the last promise of Harpo's 'do you love me yet?' week, before he slips back into the safe and secure arms of his protectors to watch the future opponent emerge when the Liberal leader is picked. Harpo knows he can easily whip Michael Ijnatieff with his fence post firmly situated sitting stance on all things especially the ones he's already took a stand on. Harpo will carve him to bits but, Rae? Rae's different. Rae's an experienced opponent the type of guy you'd run into in the grocery store. Harpo's never been in a grocery store and he has no interest. So Harpo's next move was to promise nothing but a place for the Bloc Party to sit at the Conservative table. Though not at the table but by it as their own Nation. This smells of a vote hunting scheme that Harpo has decided to kick some dirt up in Quebecer's faces to see if they fall for it. Quebec's desire for a separate country has been going on as long as Federation itself. Why a leader of a country would decide to stir the fires of separation, once more leaves the intelligent a view into this man's true motives and for the reason of Bob Rae's outcry.
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