Conservatives Go Gay Bashing

"We're planning to kick some faggity ass back to the middle ages or at least the late 90's."
The Harpoville Post reports that Prime Minister Harpo plans to make good on his promise to obey Canada's own 'Dark Prince', Charles McVety, and reopen the gay marriage debate in Parliament this week. Harpo has decided to push through the debate despite the publics outcry for the minority government to work on more pressing issues like taking care of the environment. Prime Minister Harpo's response; "It hard to concentrate on the weather when 12 thousand gays are getting married".
The Harpoville Post has learned that its not only the normally latent, homo-phobic Conservative MP's that are crying out for they're day in the sun to kick at the can of gay rights but now some Liberal members are hopping on the gay bashing Conservative band-wagon and are hoping to get their foot in that door as well. There are a few Liberal MP's are now standing up to say they were forced by former Prime Minister Paul Martin to bend over and take the gay marriage bill from behind and now they want a chance to set the record straight; that they hate fagots. Liberal MP John McKay said; "I think it unwise for a leader to whip his or her caucus, that is unless the mood has been set with some vintage Manalow and one has been properly demoralized first, which can be quite hot".
The Harpoville Post has learned that the Prime Minister is hoping to stir the soup of deep seated gay hate that lies beneath most self loathing sexually repressed members of Canada's Conservative political party's in Ottawa. Members who constantly cater to special interest groups, such as Charles McVety, who through their use of religion as a podium and tax shield to finance their gay hate mandate. Groups who's only interest is to control Canada from afar while pointing accusing fingers at hard working, private tax paying Canada's who should have all the same rights as any other citizen but are refused them because of hate and fear financed through Canada's own 'Dark Prince', Charles McVety and his religious right.
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