Pam Dumps Kid Rock Off at The Pool

"It seems Kiddy Rock is 'hotter' under the collar than anywhere else."
The Harpoville Post reports that Canadian starlet Pam Anderson has called off her marriage to America's #1 trailer park kid, Kid Rock. The hot starlet filed papers this week saying that her four month marriage to 'The Kid' was an another unfortunate lapse in judgment and she promises to try to never to be that stupid again.
The Harpoville Post has learned that the reason behind Pam and 'The Kids' split is Borat, that lovable Kazakhstanian documentarian who featured Pam in his recent successful film; 'Borat'. Pa-Mel-a!, as Borat calls her, played herself in the film and Borat's one true quest to come to America was to throw her in his traditional wedding-sack and take her home to be his bride. The film was seen as a mock-umentary by everyone who saw it, that is, everyone but Kid Rock. It seems The Kid had trouble following the plot and got quite irate when Borat tried to bag his bride. The Kid really lost it when her flew into a public rage dishing Pam-Mel-a! for taking such a role while he was her husband.
The Harpoville Post reports that if the Kid's public misunderstanding and rage wasn't enough 'The Kid' moved the temper dial up a notch by holding his breath, stomping his feet and calling his wife Pa-Mel-a a "slut and a whore". Which seems a might slow for even a dope like the Kid considering that Kid must have missed the home made sex video Pam starred in with her twice ex-husband Tommy Lee, another man not known for his higher intellect, in which Pa-Mel-a! did a real Oscar winning performance as a "slut and a whore".
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