Batty Bush Blames Canada

"This fuckers out of his mind"
The Harpoville Post has learned that U.S. President G.W.Bush is coming apart at the seems by blaming Canada as a terroist safe haven. The President, on one hand, congratulates Canada on its commitment in Afghanistan while in the same breath calling Canada a terrorist meca.
"Georgie-boy, he go crazy"
The Harpoville Post reports as the Presidents poll numbers drop like a stone at home and war is being sought in Iran Georgie-boy's gone battie. News of the President saying Canada's liberal open door, come on in, everyone is welcome style of immigration has allowed the harbouring of terrorists who are raising funds and plotting terrorists acitivities. The Presidents comments come as his countries immigration policies are under attack and the U.S. death toll is nearing two Americans a day in civil war torn Iraq. Where the U.S. say there are no terrorists there only insurgents, since they arrived.
"What's the difference between a terrorist and an insurgent?
An insurgent registers with the government the terrorist doesn't."
The Harpoville Post has learned that the President is loosing it by saying Canada is soft on terrorists because Canada has only arrested one terrorist since 9/11. 9/11 was where terrorists arrive in America, some with green cards, there they trained, they plotted and they launched a terrorist attack on the World Trade Centers, all while on G.W.Bush's watch. Of the 19 highjackers, who carried out the attacks, most were from Saudi Arabia and G.W. holds hands with that counties leaders. This Republician retoric seems to be direct contrast to the Presidents praise for Canada's commitment to Afghanistan and in fighting terrorists and George's own problems with his administration.
"This should be apparent to all that George has his finger on the panic-button and if I lived in America, I'd pack."
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