Children soon Criminals in Canada

"Get these sex starved 15 year olds in jail where they belong"
The Harpoville Post reports that as the Harpo Governments moves into cracking down on crime by longer prison sentences for drug and violent crime offenders and making 14 and 15 year olds ciminials, if they get caught, they're sending a much different message to white collar criminals........... Carry on as usual.
The Harpoville Post has learned that Stan Smith the ex-tobacco sales executive/smuggler is getting off with a warning after defrauding the government of 1 Billion dollars in taxes. The RJR MacDonald tobacco company sales executive is getting a slap on the wrist with eight months of house arrest for is white collar crime spree. It seems old Stan turned over and over and over some more on all his friends and the government has decided to go easy on the crook.
"Do you get the message?"
"But what's with Vic's message?"

"Toews Tough Talk Tightens Tory Teen Time"
The Harpoville Post reports that Minister of in-Justice Vic Toews plans to crack down on everything but white collar crime. The Ministers early morning rhetoric began with his war cry for stiffer sentencing for violent criminals, drug traffickers and 14 and 15 year olds caught in the act of love.
The Harpoville Post suspects the Conservative Right -Wing pit-bull Charles McVety is pulling the strings and old Vic is playing the turn most requested by the right.
The Harpoville Post reports that while Alberta's White Right is leading the charge for decency and pretending to be an unlawful act while in the news this week Alberta has a different set of decency problems of her own to contend with.
1) Edmonton man arrested for running a child porn web site which netted arrests throughout the world.
2) 12 year old Alberta girl murders her mother, father and baby brother with her 23 year old boyfriend.
3) Edmonton mother arrested after having sex with 6 year old son and broadcasting it over the internet.
The Harpoville Post is starting to realize their disire for decency may be long overdue.
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