May Monday Movie & Mourning Mayhem

The Harpoville Post
Entertainment Report
R.V. = Rehashed Vacation
The Harpoville Post reports that movie goers flocked to the open roads this past weekend, let me correct myself, with the high price of gas they flocked to the cinema to see other people hit the open road. R.V. stars Robin Williams and stands for recreational vehicle but moves more like rehashed Vacation after Robin pulls up to the family home in a big ugly vehicle, loads the family in and that's where the mayhem begins. Or that's what we'd paid our money and hoped for but, alas that's were it stalls out. I swear Chevy Chase must be rolling in his grave and if he's not dead he's rolling in his career after news came down the pike of another Vacation remake. No word whether Robin called Chevy for advice on how to play a bumbling boob opposite an attractive wife and two vile children.
With top box office spot going to R.V. the runner up was the feel good flick United 93 that had a similar sappy but not so happy ending. It's clear that as the price of gas climbs higher and higher, people still want to get away, some in an R.V., some in a doomed airliner.
"You just can't keep a good stone down"
The Harpoville Post reports of fans who stood in mourning outside a hospital where Keith Richards body lay......... Just kidding, nothings going to kill this fool. Richards is reportedly recovering from acting a much younger by first falling out of a palm tree and then falling off of a jet ski. The world was shocked to hear Keith was near either one of the above items let alone in one and on one. The 62 year old Richards reportedly "is fine, resting and recovering", says his much younger and much more attractive wife which proves, contrary to Stones beliefs, 'you can always get what you want.'
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