Pope says Love More Children
"A bizarre comment for any pontiff to plant"
The Harpoville Post
Sunday Editorial
The Harpoville Post Sunday editorial looks at a comment made by Pope Benedict 16th this past week. The Pope passed on concerns that Children are not receiving the love they deserve. The Pope sends out the message while abused children and adults send out a message of they're own, through court cases and law suit accuations, that they've received way too much love from the Catholic church already.
The Harpoville Post reports that every year more and more come forward of tales of abuse by a representive of the Catholic church. Does the Pope not read the papers? Does the Pope not read the memos all over the desk? Is the Pope blind to the distruction left behind by latten repressive representatives of the Catholic church who are not allowed to show their own true colors as gay men in need of love more than the children the Pope speaks of?
"Maybe the Pope should sign some of the cheques the Catholic church cuts"
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