Pentagon Teaches Old Car New Tricks

"What else can it do?"
The Harpoville Post reports that after the U.S. Pentagon paid 2 million dollars to see a self driven car drive through the dessert there is now word out the American military is wondering what else it can do. The military giant, with a love of spending money, is offering 2 million to anyone who can successfully motorize an unmanned vehicle, at a speed of 60 miles an hour through a busy downtown city street.
The Harpoville Post spoke to Scott Terrain of Stanford U. who won 2 million from the Pentagon last year and has his eyes on another 2 million this year for developing an unmanned vehicle that can maneuver its way through a busy city street and he told us, "It's just great that the Pentagon has all this extra money to throw away because we're in the perfect position to catch it." We asked Mr. Terrain what the purpose of developing an unmanned vehicle when vehicles were meant to carry people, and he said, "With modern technology exploding everyday in so many ways people don't have enough hours in their waking day to take advantage of it before it's old and obsolete. But, an unmanned vehicle will free up so much time so people can watch all the new DVD's, work on their computers, downloading new software and catch up with all their friends on their cell phones and MSN. Really it's all the things they do now but, without ending up dead or injured in accidents over."
The Harpoville Post reports that the name and date the Pentagon plans to hold this experimental event on has not yet been announced just in case everyone, in that city, decides to stay home that day.
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