Harper Dares Liberals to deny taxing poor

Harpo "And I dare you to say I care about the environment"
The Harpoville Post reports that Prime Minister Harpo has come out swinging this time in defense of his governments tax-cuts and distruction of Canada's environmental global commitment. Harpo spent the day in Commons daring anyone to say anything bad about his governments plan to increase taxation of the very poor, offering children under five under five dollars a day for daycare and his cutting Canada's committment to global warming and to Canada's native communities.
Harpo "How dare you say I care"
The Harpoville Post has learned the Prime Minister has stopped short of calling his religious pit bull, Charles McVety, to defend his new budget and instead his grandstanding has left his opponents silently waiting for his next move. Harpo's budget is said to be aimed at the middle-little guy, the hockey dads, the daycare moms in hope they will support his bid for a majority government, which is expected to come soon before his tax-cut short fall, from this budget, is reported.
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