Conservatives Soon to Set Guns Free

"More Guns Mean Safer Streets"
The Harpoville Post
Advertising Feature.
Carl's Gun Emporium
Spring has sprung and with spring comes a chance to change the outdated restrictive laws that surrounds our friends the gun. We know soon our beloved Prime Minister Harpo will come through for all of us honest caring gun loving Canadians and do what's right and set the guns free.
We at Carl's Gun Emporium know that as soon as the gun registry law is abolished there will be high demands for handguns, rifles and automatic weapons and as Carl says 'why wait'. Come in now and do your shopping while the selection is at its best and then lay it away till Canadians are freed from the repressive gun registry laws. Soon we all will be able to march down the street with pride knowing we are all protected.
Check out our spring specials on M1 Carbine, Glock, Beretta, SKS, AR-15, and Ruger. Plus we have a hugh supply of Canada's favorite Browning rifles and handguns, Colt, Magnum and Smith and Wesson.
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