How Does An Asshole Like This

"Get a gun like that?"
The Harpoville Post reports that just months after the Conservative Government over turned any laws forcing guns owners, responsible of other wise, in Canada, to register their firearms some wack-o takes his Baretta automatic firearm to school, he didn't attend, for show and tell with the safety off. In Montreal one young girl is dead and nineteen people lie wounded four critical. All this is reminisent of the similar Montreal shooting that brought about the now stricken registry law. Though no one is surpised politicians and media alike have all fallen short of calling it was it is.
"Political pandering by Conservative lobbyist"
The Harpoville Post refuses to print the assholes name to allow him in death anymore fame that his miserable exsistance allowed him in life. Though the question where did this asshole get a Baretta CX4 semi-automatic rifle and why can't it be traced to whoever sold to him, or originally owned it, so they can also be chaged with murder. Though that can not happen because all though these guns are illegal they don't 'really' have to be registered here in Canada or in the United States of America.
The Harpoville Post only remose is news that the spinless asshole, once shot and surrounded by his fate, took his own life. Why didn't he skip the melodrama and do that last Tuesday? Had that happened this Harpoville Post reporter would have gladly for go this post.
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