Harper Caught in The C- Hairs of Fraud

"Does my breath smell funny?"
The Harpoville Post reports that news of corruption in the conservative idea of accounting has landed Prime Minister Harpo firmly in the lap of dishonesty. The Prime Ministers office has refused to comment on new accounting findings that three Tory members, including Prime Minister Harpo himself, had over contributed to Conservative coffers to sercure Harpo the best seat in the House, that of Canadian Prime Minister.
The Harpoville Post has learned that heated denials of Conservative Party wrong doing are now being quietly admitted by the party while the Prime Minister is nowhere near Ottawa to answer to the charges. And with his name at the top of the shit-heap of those accused Harpo will eventually have to come out of hiding to answer why 1 1/2 Million dollars of over donated funds was supplied to secure his place in the highest seat in the land, that of Prime Minister.
The Harpoville Post reports that The Conservatve Government tried, unsuccessfully just last month, to amend the Canada Elections Act to ensure just such illegal donations be allowed and go unpunished.
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