Australia's Hookers Cash in Cum Tax Time

"Tools of the trade are tax free"
The Harpoville Post reports that Australia's sex trade workers keep cuming up winners now that countries tax man has seen the light and allowing them their right offs. Hookers, strippers and lap dancers can now claim a whole pethera of items on their tax forms as 'tools of the trade'.
"It's the price of doing business."
The Harpoville Post has learned the under the tax form heading, Tools Of The Trade, sex trade workers can claim adult toys, lubricants, gels and oils as items needed for their work. The Australian's tax department decided to make it easier to list the items and to file come tax time. Though strippers are allowed to claim the cost of taking dance lessons they can not claim items such as gym memberships.
"What goes up must come down."
The Harpoville Post reports that under the title; "Tools of The Trade", they can list items and the cost of maintaining, repairing and replacing, said items, on their tax forms. Then under the heading "Erection and Demolition" thay can state the number of hours spent on the job using said items for Employment Insurance benefits.
The Harpoville Post has not learned whether Australia's generous Tax Department will allow the men, who us the Hookers, Strippers or Lap Dancers, access to the same right offs and allow them to claim the lubes, toys and oils and their services on their own tax forms.
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