Gomer Pyle CIA is TV at its Best

The Harpoville Post
Fall TV Review
What happens when a one time bumbleing gay marine stays in the service long enough to rise to the rank of General? Why an even bigger boob suggests he be made the head of the CIA of course. And when that happens is when the fun really begins.
You won't believe what's coming this fall to a TV season near you; Gomer Pyle CIA.
Only on TV would they come up with a crazy premise of a Army General and hard-nose Republician supporter taking over the running the most secretive and most powerful spy agency in the world. It almost as crazy as getting the ex-head of the CIA to become President of the United States. Though I believe that premise was done on an episode of The Simpsons.
It makes you wonder how much longer it will be before a five star General is elected to become President of the United States? Or forget about being elected he'll just walk in a take the job.
I swear were do this sitcom writers come up with these stories?
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