Shotgun Helps Get The Job Done

"Like the Bible a true inspiratntional tool"
The Harpoville Post reports that when police respond to a call of shots being fired, in a suburban neighborhood, they never know what'll find. On Sunday Burnaby B.C. police responded to just such a call in a quite west coast neighborhood.
The Harpoville Post has learned that when police arrived they found a frustrated drunken 55 year old and his recently discharged shotgun hiding behind his couch. Police questioned the man about a report of shots being fired in his backyard. the man confessed to police that yes he had fired off a few rounds in his yard to try to get his nephews to hurry up and finish the yard work he had requested they do. When police went to the back door, looked out at the still unfinished yard work and the two lazy kids lounging in the yard, the officers decided to take matters into their own hands.
The Harpoville Post reports that at that time the two police officers removed their weapons from their holsters and opened fire on the two lazy youths. This seems to be the motivation the two boys needed as they quickly finshed their uncles yard and another dozen other neighborhood yards before nightfall.
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