Man Looses Penis Twice in one Lifetime

"I guess I just wasn't mature enough to own a 22 year olds penis"
The Harpoville Post reports that a 44 year old man in China, who lost his penis in a tragic accident(as if loosing your penis wouldn't be tragic enough) became the world's first successful Penis transplant reciprocant. The man, who's penis was left useless, unable to urinate or have sexual relations was, reportly, quite happy with his new penis and felt a new lease on life but, after a few months was said to become a little too cockey.
The Harpoville Post has learned that although the man's body did not reject the new organ the man's wife certinly did. The penis which was removed from a braindead 22 year old man seemed to develop a mind of his own and became a 'little prick' the wife told The Harpoville Post; "It was all quite exciting at first to get all this attention and affection but, soon it became quite insatiable and very demanding. Soon my husband was dressing differently, staying out all night and having young women calling him at home. He said it wasn't him, he had no control over it and he was merly the transport of this, of this creature. Every morning I would wake with it staring up at me with that hungry look in it's eye. It soon became just too much and I asked for it to be removed."
The Harpoville Post reports that although the wife is quite happy with the removal of the said intruder she now complains her husband and their marriage aren't the same. "He just sits around the house lifeless watching TV. He's angry all the time and he won't even look at me anymore. I'm not the one that cut it off."
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