Saturday, May 13, 2006

Canada's Creditabilty goes Ka-put

Peter MacKay "Man I'm about as wasted as the environment"

The Harpoville Post reports that a 'secret' document states that Canada will loose face with the rest of the world if it continues its quest to drop Kyoto and the environmental concerns from its to-do list. A document prepared for Foreign Affairs Minister Peter MacKay says Canada will loose creditabilty and influence in future climate change talks if the government continues its plan to do little or nothing to help clean up the enviroment.

The Harpoville Post spoke to Ryan Sparrow assistant to Canada's Minister of Environmental Disasters Rona Ambrose, who was out test driving SUV's, and he told us, "Our leader Harpo doesn't care what the rest of the world thinks he has made it clear we will proceed with our 'Made in Canada' solution and spend money on just cleaning our Canada's environment." We tried to explain the Mr. Sparrow that the environment is global and does not just stop at the edge of Canada's borders and he said, "I don't think so. As Rona expained it to me that the air over Canada can be cleaned up by giving away bus passes, so people will take buses and not use their cars which sounds like a nice easy way to fix things. You see, Rona knows all about the environment, she's read some pamphlets and brochures and she's really quite on top of this whole global warming thing, you'll see, she's not just a girl with an in creditable eye for fashion and colors, she really is a thinker. So, maybe people should just sit back and let the people driving this bus drive the bus, OK, yea, that's just great well, I got-a-go."


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