MacKay Says Taliban On The Run

"Well, maybe a fast walk"
The Harpoville Post reports that Foreign Affairs Minister Peter MacKay strapped on the bullet proof vest body armour and headed out into the battle fields of Afhcanistan in search of Taliban. But, finding them, he's now admitting, may be harder than he once thought.
The Harpoville Post has learned that Mr. MacKay is now admitting there have been some setbacks to delivering any measure of security, prosperity of democracy to this war torn region. He now admits this may be a lot more difficult than we once thought. It seem Mr. MacKay and the Harpo Government weren't watching the news over the last five years as the United States military suffered more casualties in both Afghanistan and Iraq than they first thought and they forgot to tell Harpo when he sent 2200 troops to that region earlier this year.
The Harpoville Post reports that there has been a mass exodus of non government aid organizations in Afghanistan because of the increase in violence. Mr. MacKay said that this will not deter this governments commitment to sending young Canadian troops to Afcanistan. While in Afcanistan the uncomfortable looking Mr. MacKay told The Harpoville Post, "We will not cut and run and I'm here to prove it by covering my soft, white, easy shot at flesh with very expensive body armour just to prove to the cameras and voters back home that it's safe, real safe here............ Can we go now?"
Harper is an evil genius. How does he get rid of people he doesn't like? First he set up that crack smoking racist evangelist Vellacott by putting him on a First Nations committee. Vellacott's resigned in disgrace and become a martyr to the conservative cause. Now Harper's sending this poor schmuck to Afcanistan just when it's getting really scary and dangerous dangerous. Doesn't that retread MacKay know his silly vest won't protect him from suicide bombers or land mines? Duh.
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