Fat Man Walking.... Across America

"Walks from California to Manhattan and looses 100lbs."
The Harpoville Post reports of ones mans long journey against obesity and depression that took him across America. Steve Vaught weighted in at 410 lbs. when he left his loving wife, two kids and his Oceanside California home a year ago but, when he arrived in the Big Apple he was a little lighter and a whole lots wiser for his journey.
The Harpoville Post has learned that Steve, who suffers from depression since he accidentally killed two elderly pedestrians fifteen year ago, went through 15 pairs of shoes 30 pairs of socks and 6 backpacks before he arrived in New York City.
The Harpoville Post spoke to Steve who told us, "I like to walk but, I also like to eat. I find I don't eat as much when I walking so I decided to walk across America and loose all that weight. Though, I just wish I could remember which State I lost the 100 lbs in."
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