NSA Tracking While American's Yakking

"You'd be suprised how many people have phone sex"
The Harpoville Post reports that the NSA have been very busy of late listening to millions of Americans, ten of millions to be more exact. The United States Spy Agency has been busy sitting around listening to Americans or at least collecting the records from AT&T, Verizon and South Bell while they sit around listening.
The Harpoville Post has learned that Air Force General Micheal Hayden, who has been head of the NSA since 1999 and is now in line to be the new number one guy at the CIA, was the overseer of all the survalence. Though the White House swears they weren't listening in to average Americans conversations the records prove otherwise. Since 2001 200 million customers to AT&T, Bell South and Verizon have at on time or another had their telephone conversations listened to and taped. Said one AT&T employee, "You'd be suprised how many American's are yanking while their yakking."
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