Harper Caught Calling Iran Jew Haters

Harpo "No, no, no, I didn't mean to suggest Iran is no better than the god-dame Nazis"
The Harpoville Post reports that Canadian Prime Minister Harpo was out looking for love in all the rural places and ended up back peddling on comments he made last week, along with Australian P.M. John Howard, about Iran. Harpo's commented on a rumor that Iran, may be, forcing it's Jewish and Christian citizens to wear 'the yellow star' the same emblem used by the Nazi's during the second world war to help segregate the Jewish population. Now Iran is calling Canada to task on why they would print such an untrue slanderous story and why Harpo, who rarly speaks to the press decide to jump on that, of all, band wagons.

The Harpoville Post believes Prime Minister Harpo should publicly appologize to the country of Iran for his comments made to the national media without knowing the true facts. It is the Prime Ministers job to act on facts not spread raciest lies about a country he knows nothing about.
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