He Who Owns The Press Owns The Polls

Harpo "I'm quite a crafty little fucker, aren't I"
The Harpoville Post reports with a new week comes a new poll from those crafty Conservatives. Not only does Harpo decide to limit his new minority party members access to the press and the press to them he decides to hand out a new poll a week as the only mirror in which to admire the emperors new clothes in.
The Harpoville Post has learned that another new poll praising the job the new government is doing has arrived, though I day later than usual because of the long Canadian 2-4 weekend. The Harpo Government would not like to release its new praise poll results on a holiday Monday and miss all that new poll, high-fiving, back slapping praise. The new poll, conducted by Ipsos, the name alone should be a warning to all, has concluded that if a election was to be held today and Harpo managed to hide himself and his party from talking to the free press he might just win a majority government. "What if's" are always the ear marks and cause for celebration in every free democratic government.
The Harpoville Post spoke to Ipsos head (on a) pollster Darrell Bricker who told us, "It is just amazing what this new government has done in just 100 days. We have reenacted the Brian Mulroney glory years of 1988, we are all very pleased." We asked Mr. Bricker why he keeps saying 'we' and he said, "Do I? I don't think so and if I did I mean it in a figurative way. As in, 'we' the Canadian people."
The Harpoville Post wonders if Hapo hooking his star to Brian Mulroney's glory years is such a good idea. Since those, so called 'glory years' were short lived with after his second term as Prime Minister and his introduction of the conservatives value added GST his government spiraled out of control, going down in flames. With Mulroney's iron claw grip on the party no one was therewith a safety net to revive the party and they quickly sank into oblivion. Is that the star Prime Minister Harpo wants to be hooked up to?
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