More Guns, Less Guns Equal More Polls

"More poll confusion over results from more polls"
The Harpoville Post reports that a new poll shows what most old polls have been saying for years, people hate being polled over commonsense issues. In another recent poll on the gun registry debate most Canadian's including police officers, don't want the government to dismantle the gun registry. But, the Harpo Government, led by Lack-of-Safety Minister Stockwell Day have already decided that the wishes of a few conservative voters should outweigh the safety and concerns of the many caring Canadians who can see how all guns harm society.
The Harpoville Post has learned that a new poll finds more Canadian's in Ontario and Quebec are against dismantling the gun registry on both long guns and handguns, but, more Canadian's in all the other provinces want the gun registry on long guns dismantled and the handgun and automatic weapons registry to apply. These Canadian's who voted against the gun registry are mostly slow, rural conservative voters who the Harpo Government has decided to pander to with little reguard for safety and more reguard for re-election.
The Harpoville Post reports that another poll done by Canadian prisoners, murders and rapists shows they are in favor of dismantling all of Canada's gun registry laws on all weapons to help close the debate and the need for more Canadian polling.
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