If You Voted For Bush, Your an Idiot

"But, you're not alone"
The Harpoville Post
Political Editorial
"New polls show new lows"
The Harpoville Post has learned that U.S. President G.W. Bush has reached a new low in the polls with an acceptance of only 29% and those 29% must feel like fools. While G.W. declares war on Mexico's immigrants and adds them to the list of whom to do battle with, the American public must be feeling they are penciled in as the next contender.
The Harpoville Post reports that with six months to go till the congressional election the Republicans must be feeling a bit under the weather as their golden boy is looking a might tarnished since his acceptance polls have fallen from 47% in January to 29% in just 4 short months. With record high gas prices and U.S. soldiers from the Iraq war, that was declaired won 3 years ago, pileing up at the door G.W.'s may be feeling the need to circle the wagons starting at the border.

The Harpoville Post reports that G.W.'s Canadian Conservative 'Crazy Cousin' Stephen Harper has managed a stress free first 100 days in office, due mostly to him giving away the farm, the furniture and most of the (liberal/democratic) federal nest egg, just like G.W. did six years ago, in his first government budget. But, what's Harpo got up his sleeve for tomorrow? Unfortunately he was counting on his friendship with G.W. Bush to help power the illusionary glow bulb of competent leadership.
Memo to Harpo; switch to plan B
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