Harpers Dream Date Scenario

Sandra Buckler "We're still in the first date stage of Governing Canada"
The Harpoville Post reports that the secret Harpo Government is being secretive on their continued secrecy and Harpo's lack of communications advise isn't sure what to say about it either.
The Harpoville Post has learned since the Tory triumphant return to power their desire to stick around, for term number two, has them more afriad than showing any real signs of good governing. Harpo's first budget amounted to daddy's first Christmas home since he and mommy reconciled with him giving away everything but the turkey. But, the stunted news media is only now starting to speak up of what they're not getting out of this new open honest Harpo Government which is, information.
Harpo, "So, you come here often?"
The Harpoville Post reports that Harpo's cry for more honest accountable government means less media access through removal of cameras and microphones from the halls of Parliament and secret Cabinet meetings which is something that has never been done before in Canadian politics. And although, the media whine about being shut out they allow the government to get away with it in hope Harpo will change.
Harpo, "What do yoy think of a guy who's never had a job and lives of his wifes parents money, go on be honest?"
The Harpoville Post spoke to Sandra Buckler, Harpo's media adviser who told us, "Harpo is running a more focused government, not like those other foot-in-mouth diseased governments of Martin and Chretien. It's really a need-to-know Government, when Harpo wants you to know, you'll know." We asked her why the governments habit of refusing to return telephone calls and handing out week old speeches and she said, "O'that I can mention to Harpo that you're unhappy with what you're getting and you can be crossed off the list. You see this is like a first-internet-date kind of Government. No-one really knows who this guy Harpo really is or what his true plans are so he's taking it easy putting on a new suit, big smile, cheap cologne and a false face. He shows up at you're door, usually late, with cheap flowers and a borrowed car then takes you out to dinner in a family restaurant with loads of specials, bad service and no liquor licence. After a boring evening of dull conversations he drops you off at the door, say's he's had a 'swell' time and promises to call or at least email but, never does. That's the new Conservative Government."
The Harpoville Post would just like to know what will be the true cost and damages Canadians will be stuck paying for at the end of this dream date.
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