Robbing Peter to Pay Paul Military Style

"Canadian Military saves $1.2 Million so taxpayers can pay $1.2 Million"
The Harpoville Post reports that the Canadian Military just came up with a great way to save, no spend, no save, no spend, no save, no spend more Canadian taxpayers money. It seems the Military are keen to trim some fat from their massive $500 Million a year fuel bill but, in doing so make Canadians pay more.
The Harpoville Post has learned that the Military, the Navy in particular, can get a tax rebate on fuels (gas and oil) they use while being as little as 12 miles off shore from Canada's borders. This could amount to a savings of $1.2 Million a year which they can spend on things like, like, like, or they can just give back the money to the Canadian taxpayers.
The Harpoville Post spoke to rear-end Admiral Peter Tush who told us, "Yes we believe we can claim these fules back on our taxes and save on our massive fuel bills. We believe this will amount to great savings and allow us to reach our goal of trimming as much as $3 Million off our fuel costs." We asked the rear-end Admiral that claiming a tax rebate will only cost the Canadian taxpayers more in the end and he said, "No, I don't think so, this will allow the Military to save so it can spend those savings on other things like, like, like" Weapons? "Exactly."
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