Fat Lady Sings Of Conservative Praise

"Not over till the Fat Lady sings"
"Maybe this is where it gets started"
The Harpoville Post reports that the Harpo government has decided to leak the Auditor Generals report that gives them an A for avenging the Liberals. The first of Auditor Generals Sheila Fraser's three yearly reports, due out this week but, leaked today, kicks the cans of the old and trumpets the new Conservative Governments agenda.
The Harpoville Post has learned that the fat lady sings a strong Conservative chorus of, scrapping the gun registry, hold off increasing any Native spending to present rates, beefing up the militaries recruitment numbers and shake up Canada's Revenue Departments inability to collect 5 Billion dollars in outstanding tax debt. Along with songs of praise will come the thunderous roar of high fives and fat-back slapping from Conservatives desperately seeking approval and brownie points from something other than Tory paid for polls. Though the true test will be not for how loud the Fat Lady sings but, for how long she can hold the note four months from now when the Conservative agenda, not the Liberal, is then put under the sweety glaze of Ms. Fraser.
The Harpoville Post wonders whether the fine Ms. Fraser will hand out academic A's for amazing approval or average acceptance?
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