Gwyn Morgan Struck Down as Ethics Czar

"You won't have Gwyn Morgan to kick around anymore"
The Harpoville Post reports that Multi Millionair businessman Gwyn Morgan got turned down as Prime Minister Harpo's Ethics Czar and became quite put out when he did. It seems Gwyn's massive energy wealth and huge Harpo political donations aren't buying him the right to be numero uno ethicial finger pointer in Harpo's new Conservative elite.
The Harpoville Post has learned that news of the oppositions request to terminate any more notions of Mr. Morgan getting his hands on that sweet $1 Canadian dollar a year post has rumpled the feathers of many a governing Tory. Though no one knows how Prime Minister Harpo feels about it cause he still isn't talking to the media. Mr. Morgan, who is on record calling Canada a corrupt country, could have used the tax right offs that came with the ethics czar golden handshake. Mr. Morgan who made 6.8 Million in 2004 and refuses to state how much he leached out of the energy sector in 2005 could have written off much more than he could have chewed out his fellow Canadian's for not being as pristen as the business tycoon Mr. Morgan states he is.
The Harpoville Post reports that as Mr. Morgan hunkers down in his Lear Jet and flies home to Alberta, crumbling all the way, rumor has it, that the next bump in the energy radar screen may be ol' Gwyn seeking vengence for not being welcomed by Ottawa with open arms and massive tax breaks.
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