Canadian Soldiers Fucked in Afghanistan

"No suprise the pasty white boys want us to stay"
The Harpoville Post reports that Prime Minister Harpo's extension of the Canadian military in Afcanistan has passed in the house. With only 4 votes in his favor, Harpo declaired himself the victor in the six hour suprise debate on extending the mission until 2009. The defiant Harpo told the house, "We cannot walk away and if we need a further mandate we will go to the Canadian people." This statement flies in the face of disbelief considering a recent poll taken, by his own pollsters, states that Canadians to not have the Prime Ministers same resolve to extend the troops stay in the war torn Afcanistan.
The Harpoville Post has learned that the CTV, the Conservative Television Network has reported that Canadian troops welcome the extension for another 3 year stay in that dangerous country.
The Harpoville Post spoke to one Canadian soldier who said, "We think it's swell that the pasty white politians of Canada's minority government have found it in their hearts to keep us in this hell-hole for another 3 years. It's just fucking great I guess I don't get to see my daughter till she's in fucking grade 6, thanks a-fuck-of-a-lot."
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