Harper Fears Rejection From G.W.Bush

"Why won't he call, was it something I said?"
The Harpoville Post reports that Prime Minister Harpo is beside himeself in worry on why US President G.W.Bush has suddenly given him the cold shoulder and refused to take his calls. Reports of Harpo feeling the scorned lover are reeling through Ottawa as one lone candle burns late into the night in the P.M.'s office window.
The Harpoville Post shows a picture of the two in happier times fresh from their getaway in Mexico, now Gorgeous George, as Harpo is rumored to refer to him as, is lying low waiting in the wings or maybe he's courting someone new?
The Harpoville Post has learned that Washington tonges are tattling a new tale of tipsy trusts between G.W. and Austraila's P.M. John Howard after his extended visit there last week. Leaving one to speculate there might be new meaning to that countries expression "down under, mate." This Harpoville Post reporter knows how quickly love is won and lost in the halls of power. And this, may be just a sign of our little Harpo growing up.
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