CANADIAN Trash; Just say 'NO!"

Canadian Trash; Ain't what it used to be.
The Harpoville Post has learned that the Michigan State Senate have moved one step closer to passing a bill that would stop Canadian Trash at its curb.
The Michigan State Senate passed a bill saying 'No' to Canadian waste.
The Harpoville Post reports that 29 percent of Michigan landfill sites are filled with trash from Ontario and other States.
The Harpoville Post asked a Michigan Senator why they're so against Canadian trash, and he said; "We just feel the quality of Canadian waste has really slipped over the years and is not up to Michigan's high trash standards. We have felt for sometime now that Canada's overuse of Blue Box Recycling have caused their trash standards to drop, so what they send us is frankly 'Shit'."
The Harpoville Post has learned that since most of the waste heading to Michigan comes from Toronto. Michigan's complaint is that it's mostly McDonald's, KFC, Wendy's wrappers, mixed in with Tim Horton coffee cups, disguarded guns and empty shell casing. As the Michigan Senator told The Harpoville Post, "It's all the same 'Shit' you find in Detroit's garbage."
The Harpoville Post reports that the final say in the Canada vs. Michigan Trash Debate comes down the the United States Congress who have the final say on what is good enough 'Shit' to cross the border.
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