Ethics; A Dish Best Served Cold

The Harpoville Post reports today of Prime Minister Harpo's call for 'The Head' and the resignation of Ethics Commissioner Bernard Shapiro. It all started last week when Shapiro asked to speak to the Prime Minister about ethics.
"I speak for the Prime Minister and the country when we, I mean I, I mean he says we won't speak to him." said Sandra Buckler, Harpo's comment adviser.
The Harpoville Post has learned that Harpo's decision to run in the face of an oncoming attack may be number one on the new Conservative agenda. Bernard Shapiro has tried to talk to Harpo since the fall of 2005, now the Prime Minister's office has made it plan to him that if he keeps brothering Harpo he won't have a job for too much longer.
The Harpoville Post also notes of Harpo offering the job to NDP'er Ed Broadbent, who responder to our call with this comment; "It is a great honor but, what's the use as soon as I ask him a question he'll wack off my head too, no thanks."
The Harpoville Post reports that Bernard Shapiro's request centers on David Emerson's defection from the Liberal party to the Conservative Party and his new post as the Minister of Rough Trade. The Parliamentary conflict-of-interest code prohibits inducing or luring MP's to cross party lines for personal gains.
The Harpoville Post caught up with David Emerson in his new BMW, and he said to us; "Harpo asked me to cross over to the Conservatives with no inducement, I decided it was the right thing to do." He then added, "Now get the fuck out of my way before I run you down." Before he quickly speed off.
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